Alison Macor - Chainsaws, Slackers, and Spy Kids: Thirty Years of Filmmaking in Austin, Texas
Alison Macor's new book Chainsaws, Slackers, and Spy Kids: Thirty Years of Filmaking in Austin, Texas will be published in the Spring of 2010 by Univerisity of Texas Press. A history of the Austin film scene, it includes interviews with Richard Linklater, Robert Rodriquez, Mike Judge, Quentin Tarantino, and Matthew McConaughey.
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Learn NLP
NLP Training-Learn NLP. Neuro-linguistic programming is known by the acronym NLP. Drawing on deep and powerful research into the ways people think and process information, nlp can have amazing effects. Self meta programming and visualization techniques.
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Chris Fields Acting Studio
A Los Angeles acting school - Chris Fields Studio - offers acting classes in Meisner, Scene Study, Audition Technique, Movement and Linklater Voice training. Taught by Chris Fields, Nancy Bell, and Kit Pongetti at the Chris Fields Studio in Los Angeles.
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