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Free Drum Lessons - Drum Lessons - Beginners Drum Lessons
Begin your drum lessons search by starting with our website called Free Drum Lessons. Most of the free online drum lessons are broken up into smaller free drum lesson segments then offer a dvd package to purchase or some other supplimental system. Our goal is to help you sort through all the available choices of online drum lessons for the beginner or advanced student.
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BISON EXPLORATION sponsors a weekly Bible study taught by Dale Taliaferro, 7-8am each Thursday, Sept-May. 3100 Monticello Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75205 214.443.0520 Fax 214.443.0519 On this page are mp3 audio files consisting of audio recordings of each week's Bible study. Left click to listen via your computer's media player. Right click and Save Link as... in FireFox or Save Target As... in IE to download the mp3 file to your computer. You can then listen to it at your convenience, burn it to a CD or download it to your iPod, iPhone or other portable media device.
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