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OWP SAC - se dedica al merchandising empresarial, inyectados, etiquetas inyectadas, jaladores de cierre inyectados, pulseras inyactadas, posa vasos inyectados, portacelulares inyectados, accesorios inyectados, mouse pad lenticular, tarjetas lenticular, reglas lenticular, posa vasos lenticular, hantang lenticular.
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Imagiam - Home - Lenticular Printing Software
Imagiam provides a scalable multiplatform solution for creating and printing lenticular images with 3D effect. Imagiam is a leading and recognized lenticular solution that is used by the major offset printer manufacturers –Heidelberg, KBA Metronic, Presstek– and large format printer manufacturers –FujiFilm Europe, Océ, Gandinnovations, HP– in many of their Demo Centers around the world. Imagiam has satisfied customers in more than 45 countries. The solution is easy to use and is considered the fastest in the market.
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