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Steven Wassenaar. Photography and Writing.
Free-lance photographer Steven Wassenaar was born in the Netherlands and currectly lives in Paris, France. After obtaining a degree in Art History, he studied photography at the Centre Iris in Paris. His documentary work shows the living conditions in the globalised metropolis and treats themes such as exclusion, poverty and immigration. Besides, he is interested in the extremer forms of architecture and urbanism and the often unwanted effects on users: shanty towns, suburbs, industrial ruins... He recently worked in Congo, Mali, Morocco and Croatia and collaborates with NGOs such as Comité d'Aide Médicale and Médecins du Monde, publishing in newspapers and magazines from Holland and France. Steven Wassenaar is a member of the NVJ (Dutch Association of Journalists) and the NVF (Dutch Association of Photojournalists). As a photographer, he makes part of the Press Club Lorette, a collective of journalists whose office is in the rue St Lazare, Paris. ~
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