Fashion Video Festival
"Fashion is having an affair with cinematic media, video in particular. After all, clothing only becomes fashion when dresses come to life, when narratives, however loose, materialize, when atmospheres gather around silhouettes." Alessio Nessi
Within the framework of the festival Digital Fashion Week offers a new showcase platform to the Hungarian fashion community of designers,
photographers, and video artists side-by-side with international participants: replacing the format of traditional runway fashion shows, new collections are presented via fashion videos.
Along with our desire to become an international festival, we would like to create an authentic forum to present the fashion industry of
Hungary, bringing recognition to Hungarian designers both domestically and internationally and initiate an ongoing dialogue within the
industry in the context of an exciting and forward-looking series of events. Our intent is to provide appropriate communication channels
and infrastructure, by including offline and online media, members of the fashion industry and the general public as well.
In recent years the new medium of fashion video - due to its attractive qualities and cost-effective mode of presentation - is
gaining increasing popularity on the international fashion scene,which enables designers to keep abreast of rapid shifts in
community-generated online media and allows their work to reach the widest audience.
The festival will feature two categories of videos: by-invitation and pre-selected from submissions through an open competition. The best
featured videos will receive prizes from a relevant professional jury.
In addition to the video screenings, the festival offers a variety of programs. There will be a slew of petcha kutcha presentations, interactive installation and film screenings on the topics of fashion and new media.
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Fórum Mladých
Fórum mladých je najväčší kultúrno-spoločenský komplex pre mladých v Nitre. Miesto, kde mladí môžu tráviť čas rôznymi aktivitami.
Príď, zapoj sa a aj ty si vytvor svoj vlastný program ;)
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Hlavná stránka portálu všetkoVmeste, katalóg firiem, zoznam, nekomerčné informácie, úrady, informácie, inzercia, zaujímavosti, autobazar, auto, autopozicovna, autosalon, autodoprava, auto moto, autoradio, automobil, autoburza, motorka, motocykel, moto, tuning, nahradne diely, nahradny diel, doprava, cestopis, cestovanie, cestovna kancelaria, mapy, ubytovanie, hotel, hotely, chata, chaty, penzion, dovolenka, turistika, biela technika, domace potreby, domace spotrebice, koberec, nabytok, vyroba nabytku, sklo, zahrada, papiernictvo, kancelaria, dom, interier, pracka, archiv, banky, pravo, financie, leasing, poradenstvo, poistenie, uctovnictvo, uver, pozicky, podnikanie, advokatska kancelaria, pozicka, cirkev, urad, urady, zdruzenie, divadlo, film, filmy, kino, video, foto, hudba, knihy, knihkupectvo, literatura, radio, tv, televizia, televizny, kultura, umenie, moda, textil, deti, detske hracky, pre deti, detske oblecenie, oblecenie deti, kociky, kocik, odevy, oblecenie, sportove oblecenie, saty, obuv, tehotenstvo, sperky, oblek, hracky, vypoctova technika, pc, pocitac, pocitace, audio, elektro, fotoaparaty, hry, hra, internet, mobil, mobilny telefon, software, skolske potreby, priemysel, polnohospodarstvo, polnohospodarska technika, stroje, stroj, potreby pre, restauracia, pivo, vino, alkohol, potraviny, trvanlive potraviny, donaska sluzby, pizza, stravovanie, parky, kuracie, maso, masiarstvo, sluzby, sluzba, obchod, catering, bazar, kvetinace, kvety, reklama, tlaciaren, praca, zamestnanie, historia, nabozenstvo, politika, sport, sportove potreby, futbal, futbalovy klub, hokej hokejovy, cyklistika, bicykel, fitness, lyze, rybarstvo, sportove vybavenie, spravodajstvo, casopisy, noviny, denna tlac, firmy, katalog, vyhladavanie, inzercia, inzeraty, stavba, stavebniny, stavebnictvo, reality, nehnutelnosti, nehnutelnost, byt, byty, predaj bytu, prenajom bytu, kupa bytu, rodinny dom, predaj domu, kurenie, elektrospotrebice, skola, vysoke skoly, stredna skola, skolenie, skoly, stredne skoly, kurz, kurzy, studium, vzdelanie, vzdelavanie, astrologia, darujem, hobby, horoskopy, chatovanie, zbrane, zabava, zoznamka, zoznamenie, nakupovanie, parfumeria, parfemy, zdravie, krasa, chudnutie, kozmetika, nemocnice, tehotenstvo, vyziva, servis
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deutschnet.hu - Kezdőlap
Deutschnet - német kultúra, oktatás, nemzetiség, utazás, Az ELTE Germanisztikai Intézetében lévő Magyarországi Németek Kutatóközpontja nevében felmérést végzek német nemzetiségi tanító szakon diplomázott kollégák körében., A Britannica Nelviskola területi képviselő munkatársat keres., Német húsvéti hagyományok, Meghívó az Abgedreht 2009 filmfesztiválra, Megjelent Burghardt Klára gyermekeknek szóló verses zenés CD-je., Az Ürömi József Nádor Általános Iskola tanulóinak előadása
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