Krysarik: 21 results found.
Hjärtligt välkommen till min nya hemsida! Sidan är under uppbyggnad men kika gärna runt så länge! Rosenhill stuteri Rosenhill 646 94 Björnlunda Tel:070-424 8... ~
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Prague Ratter's Club of America
Prague Ratters , Prazsky Krysaríks Club of America, information, rare breed from Czech Republic, list of breeders, history of Prague Ratters, Prazsky Krysariks, miniature dog, qualities have been developed over the past centuries, in nature he is very social, obedient, warm-hearted, he understands children and his love for home. was often seen at aristocratic feasts at Prague Castle, owned by European rulers because kings of Bohemia presented them. By nature he is noble and intelligent. Miniature, very active, alert, lively. ~
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