Koryu: 233 results found.
Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu - Danmark
Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu - Danmark. Her kan du få mere information om traditionel Okinawansk karate, kobudo, historie og filosofi. Hos os har du mulighed for at lære praktisk anvendeligt selvforsvar, forbedre din fysisk, forøge din selvtillid og møde ligesindede mennesker.
Koryu.dk ~
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Koryu Uchinadi USA 080909
Koryu Uchinadi U.S.A. is a style neutural community of traditional martial arts practitioners interested in supplementing their knowledge of reality based karate and kobudo applications and training practices. Those people joining Koryu Uchinadi U.S.A. have the added benefit of automatically becoming affiliated with the Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Kokusai Kenkyukai headed by Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi 8th dan.
Koryu-uchinadi.us ~
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