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Fabricator,Fabrication,Kolhapur,India based Rajat Teknicians is excellent service provider in field of fabrication,erection,structures,machine,equipements,maintenance,projects
At India kolhapur,fabrication of equipments: Rajat Teknicians based at kolhapur midc is service provider in field of fabrication,kolhapur workshop base,erection and maintenance of boiler,fabrication and maintenance of medical waste incinerator at kolhapur india,fabrication and maintenance of rice mill,dal mill,fabrication and erection of industrial shades,turnkey projects,at kolhapur india.fabrication,erection,maintenance of H.O.T.cranes and E.O.T.cranes,at kolhapur india.
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Welcome to Kusum Metal Castings & HIndustan Engineering Industry, Kolhapur - INDIA
Welcome to www.kusumCastings.com/Castings-Engineering/ :: www.hindustanengg.com/Castings-Engineering/ :: manufacture of engineering Graded Cast Iron & Ductile Iron Castings. Kusum Metal Castings is managed by professional technocrats.Kusum Metal Catings is equiped with necessary modern foundry equipments like Induction Furnace, Sand Plant, Sand Coolers , Mono Rail Pouring, Moulding Track Lines, Knock-out, Quality Inspection Equipments Pump & Valves Industries, Air Conditioning Compressors, Automobile, Transmission, Material Handling, Printing Machinery, Machine Tool Industries, Agricultural Machinery, job work and sub assemblies for various industries like printing machinery, pump & valves industries, machine tool industries, sugar industries
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