Kobarid: 39 results found.
..: Mlinarjeva Domačija :..
An idyllic village in the shelter of Matajur welcomes you where the millstones used to mill and the clear springs used to murmur. The smell of the mowed grass, the singing of the birds, the mysterious murmuring of the tree tops all gather to compose the silent tune of the Mlinar's house. -- Kjer so nekoč mleli mlinski kamni in žuboreli bistri studenci, vam danes gostoljubje ponuja idilična vasica v zavetju Matajurja. Vonj pokošenih trav, melodija ptičjega petja in skrivnostno šumenje krošenj se prelivajo v tihi spev Mlinarjeve domačije.
Mlinarjeva-domacija.com ~
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