Temporomandibular Dysfunction causes pain and it is important to differentiate TMD Pain from other conditions such as sinusitis, migraines, arthritis and tooth pain. A Repetitive Motion disorder from constant Bruxing and Clenching can cause TMD or TMJ symptoms. Temporomandibular Dysfunction symptoms can overlap the symptoms of other specialties such as Neurologists, Chiropractors, ENT's, Dentists and Rheumatologists. Temporomandibular Dysfunction can produce a variety of symptoms such as Headaches, TM Joint problems, Cervicogenic Headaches, Masseter Problems, Tinnitus, Numbness, Tingling, Tooth Wear and/or Sleep Disturbance. Pain Pattern in the Head, Face and Neck. Dr. Lewis Klapper Licensed Specialist in Orthodontics and Treatment of Temporomandibular Dysfunction.
Temporomandibular Dysfunction causes pain and it is important to differentiate TMD Pain from other conditions such as sinusitis, migraines, arthritis and tooth pain. A Repetitive Motion disorder from constant Bruxing and Clenching can cause TMD or TMJ symptoms. Temporomandibular Dysfunction symptoms can overlap the symptoms of other specialties such as Neurologists, Chiropractors, ENT's, Dentists and Rheumatologists. Temporomandibular Dysfunction can produce a variety of symptoms such as Headaches, TM Joint problems, Cervicogenic Headaches, Masseter Problems, Tinnitus, Numbness, Tingling, Tooth Wear and/or Sleep Disturbance. Pain Pattern in the Head, Face and Neck. Dr. Lewis Klapper Licensed Specialist in Orthodontics and Treatment of Temporomandibular Dysfunction.
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