Kinyarwanda: 116 results found.
Französisch | - Online lernen
Französisch ist Amtssprache in Belgien, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Dschibuti, Elfenbeinküste, Frankreich, Gabun, Guadeloupe, (Französisch-) Guyana, ~
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Akagera Park gorilla wildlife birding safari Rwanda uganda tanzania primate
Set at a relatively low altitude on the border with Tanzania, Akagera National Park could scarcely be more different in mood to the breezy cultivated hills that characterise much of Rwanda. Dominated scenically by the labyrinth of swamps and lakes that follow the meandering course of the Akagera River, the most remote source of the Nile, this is archetypal African savannah landscape of tangled acacia woodland interspersed with open grassland.
Wildlife, travelling and birding, elephants, giraffes, swamps. ~
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Rwanda Intore Dancers - mountain Gorillas Safaris - Birding
Music and dance plays an important role in the traditions of all Rwanda's peoples .The Rwandan people have a variety of music and dance which range from acts that demonstrate epics commemorating excellence and bravery,
humorous lyrics to hunting root. Traditional songs are often accompanied by a solitary lulunga, a harp-like instrument with eight strings. More
celebratory dances are backed by a drum orchestra, which typically comprises seven to nine members, and collectively produce a hypnotic and exciting explosion set of intertwining rhythms. ~
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