Brit-Am, Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes
Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields. The Prophets spoke of this. Peoples that emerged from the British Isles (including North America) represent Joseph. The Jews of the State of Israel and the Diaspora are Judah. Joseph and Judah are destined to re-unite! The Tribes will be united in One Kingdom. Each Tribe shall dwell in its own territory.
This information deserves to be studied and internalized.
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Ancient Touch: ancient art, antiquities, ancient beads, artifacts of
antiquity & medieval times
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Turkmen Information Centre - Main Page
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Ten Tribes Network
Ten Tribes Network Brit-Am, Lost Tribes, Lost Ten Tribes, Ten Lost Tribes, Lost Israelites,Lost Jews, Captive Jews,
British-Israel versus Brit-Am, Identity, Israelite Identity, Ten Tribes, Ephraimite,Ephraimites, Two Houses. Returnoing to the Land of Israel,
DNA, Khazars, Chosen people, Bible Commentaries, Psalms, Prophets, Prophecy, Isaiah, Obadiah,Jeremiah, Hosea, Megaliths,Dolmens,Cairns,
New Grange,Stonehenge,Israelite Migrations, Historical Studies, Racial types,Hebrew Race,Hebrew Physical Types,
Biblical Anthropology, Biblical Physical Anthropology,Hebrews, Israelite Race,Yair Davidiy,Davidi,Davidy,Stephen Collins,
Israeli News,Jerusalem News,Conspiracy, Conspiracy Exposure,Barry Chamish,Biblical History,Palestinian Transfer,
Transfer, Expulsion of Arabs, Bible Codes,Missionary Activity Forbidden,Dan,Tribe of Dan,Tribe of Joseph,
pictures of Hebrews,pictures of Israelites,pictures of Ancient Israelites,Biblical Archaeology,
USA, Manasseh, Britain, Ephraim,
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Welcome To Neuvomaster
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