Kern's, known for excellence in furniture and design, is family owned and operated by Jenny and Kern Heffington. Over the past 33 years, Kern's has grown from a small home business to a successful, 2 location classic located in Norman and Oklahoma City.
Kernsinteriors.com ~
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::Kern Internet - Adelaide's ADSL, ADSL2 , ISDN, hDSL, SDSL Broadband Solutions Provider::
Adelaide ADSL2, ADSL2 , Provider, website design and hosting, ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2 , iConnect modem, ISDN, hDSL, sDSL, shDSL, HDSL, SHDSL, Adelaide South Australia Broadband Internet Service Provider established 1990, offering adsl, anti-virus support, broadband solutions, co-location server hosting, dedicated server hosting, dial-up access, domain names, email and gateway services, firewall solutions, high speed permanent access, maintenance contracts, network solutions and cabling, website hosting and design
Kern.com.au ~
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kern24.de - Der 24-Stunden Online-Shop
Buchhandlung, Bücher, Software, Video, DVD, Bürobedarf, Bürotechnik, Kopierer, Kopiergeräte, Faxgeräte, Büroeinrichtung, Bürostühle, Objekteinrichtung, Büroschränke, Papeterie, Bastelmaterial, KERN Büro & Buch, Vaihingen/Enz, Vaihingen an der Enz
Kern-shop.com ~
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