KDR Computers - PC Sales, PC Support, PC Service, Website Design, IT
Consulting, Networking
KDR Computers, located in LaGrange Indiana, has over 18 years experience in the computer field. We have experience in PC Building and Repair, Networking, Web Design, and Many More areas.
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KDR Building and Remodeling , Remodeling Building, construction of business,
As an authorized Harvest Homes independent dealer we specialize in the construction of the Harvest Homes panelized housing system. These homes can be designed and constructed with the highest level of quality materials and efficiency using your plans or ours.We also offer complete contracting services for every phase of your building and remodeling needs. From site work to finish work and landscaping we will work closely with our talented associates to make sure your K.D.R. experience is a pleasant one. We look forward to serving you and ensuring that you will feel good about referring K.D.R. to a friend or relative.
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