Home Page - Gunay's Garden - Kaya Koy Villa Holidays
The Gunay's Garden Villas are run by Rebecca and Tolga Keskin, an English/Turkish couple who have devoted their lives to making their little paradise in Kaya Koy. Rebecca's background in customer services and logistics and Tolga's experience in the Turkish tourism sector marry together perfectly to ensure that the services they provide are of the best quality available. Rebecca and Tolga live on site and invite you to experience the delights of village life with them. Their attention to detail in the design and furnishing of the villas ensures a comfortable base to take advantage of their wealth of knowledge about the local area. They have a passion for Turkish food and the best fresh and organic produce (available from their gardens) can be experienced in Tolga's exceptional culinary skills.They are available 24 hrs a day for advice and emergencies and their generous hospitality adds that extra something to your piece of mind, allowing you to really get the most out of your holiday.
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