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katya bankowsky
Katya Bankowsky is a female director whose work includes SHADOW BOXERS, the feature documentary featuring undefeated women's boxing champion Lucia Rijker. Lucia Rijker was later cast as Hillary Swank's boxing nemesis in Million Dollar Baby, the academy award winning film directed by Clint Eastwood and inspired in part by Shadow Boxers. Bankowsky also directed Movimento Brasil, a short documentary which served as the international launch for Brazilian Brahma Beer. The film includes caporira, samba, baile charme, soccer and baile funk filmed in Rio De Janiero, Brazil.
Recently, Bankowsky completed a short film for the US Olympic Committee featuring Maya Angelou reciting her Olympic poem, and edited to archival olympic footage from Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia and Kon Ichikawa's Tokyo Olympiad.
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