Kaliningrad: 523 results found.
Dmitry Vyshemirsky
Dmitry Vyshemirsky is a member of the Russian Society of Art Photographers, with many one-man and group exhibitions in Russian and European cities. He lives and works in Kaliningrad. Before the 1990s Vyshemirsky was a press photographer for Kaliningrad periodicals; and since 1989 has been a freelance photographer. In 2004, Vyshemirsky completed the series of photographs - Atonement for Königsberg (In German: Königsberg, verzeih) - an artistic reflection on the Kaliningrad region as a cultural crossroad where the mosaic of Russian reality meets the cultural heritage of East Prussia. In 2007, he completed his work on the series of photographs - Post-… – a reflexive view of the post-German and post-Soviet cultural space of the Kaliningrad region.
Vyshemirsky.com ~
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Baltic Amber Road
The Baltic Amber Road: heritage, tourism and crafts in Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad region. This website was financed by the European Community. Take a virtual tour along the Baltic Sea shores of Latvia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad region. Get to know the ancient tradition and culture associated with amber.
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