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Jyutsu: 402 results found.

sensitive-bio.com Massages thérapeutiques 06 - Massage, gestion du stress, relaxation, douleurs musculaires, 06
Corinne Landim propose son talent pour soulager vos douleurs musculaires, tensions et troubles psychologiques grâce à des techniques de massage thérapeutique : shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, bio-énergie, etc. Sur rendez-vous à Cannes et alentour.
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primohealth.com PrimoHealth - Home
We offer you thought provoking, common sense information and cutting-edge nutritional supplements which will help you discover - or recover - your health and vitality.
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lightbodyinfusion.com Light Body Infusion - Light Body Infusion
Jin Shin Jyutsu, Hands on healing, spiritual healing, divine healing
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life-energies-by-julie.com Life Energies, LLC Home
Life Energies, LLC
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worte-des-lebens.net Worte des Lebens
Das lebendige Wort Gottes täglich umsonst (Vaterwort)
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schlaback-becker-jinshinjyutsu.com Willkommen bei Doris Schlaback-Becker
Yin Shin Jiutsu Aktiv entspannen am Arbeitsplatz Kinder Yoga
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marelon.com Energy Healing - Home / Awakening Spirit - Emotional Freedom Technique EFT, Quantum Touch Healing, Reconnection Healing in Cranbrook BC
Marelon is an intuitive energy healer and counselor. Marelon is able to see and balance auras, chakras, meridians and other forms of energy. You will experience exceptional compassion, understanding and insights from this master healer and outstanding astrologer. Her specialties include: Emotional Freedom Technique EFT (energy psychology), Chakra Balancing, Reconnection Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Core Belief Healing, and Quantum Touch Healing.
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drpovey-rustler.com Home - Dr. Ursula Povey-Rustler - Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin
In meiner Praxis gebe ich Ihnen Zeit und Raum für Ihre Heilung, ich begleite Sie auf Ihrem Weg des Gesundwerdens. Basierend auf meiner Ausbildung, Erfahrung, meiner Intuition sowie beährten Therapien empfehle ich Ihnen ein individuelles Behandlungskonzept, das Sie in Ihrer aktuellen Situation und Befindlichkeit erreicht.
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dharmaloca.org dharmaloca, meditation, India, vipassana, retreats, silence, Buddha, teachings, dharma, generosity, deep rest, jin shin jyutsu, nature, Sri Poonjaji, Papaji, mysticism, transcendence, yatra, intimacy, peace, sanskrit, awakening, liberation, advaita, non-duality, spiritual teachings, inquiry, pranayama, chi gong, meditation instructions, Ramana Maharshi
Meditation retreats, Open Dharma, allow new and experienced participants to deepen their experience of Dharma, the expansive foundation of aliveness without which nothing can exist. Retreats emphasize awareness, an agile receptivity to life centered in the present moment. Awareness is a basic tool each person can use to begin digging deeply within for the source of wisdom, connectedness, and freedom. Detailed guidance on retreat helps bring mind and body into the wholehearted alignment of awareness.
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essensuals.org Essensuals - Aromatherapy
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