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24/7 Jesus
24/7 Jesus is not affiliated with any particular church or organization, but rather a supplement to such entities. We hope to aid the body of Christ by providing one-on-one discipleship to the masses. It may be difficult for some churches to offer people vast amounts of individual time. Our ministry has identified the need for personal mentorship and focuses its attention on establishing quality friendships built upon prayer and the study Gods Word.
The 24/7 Jesus ministry was birthed in 2009 when a few godly men had a vision to organize a meeting place for like-minded and like-hearted Christians to fellowship and experience the bonds of Christian unity. 24/7 Jesus has since become a non-profit organization and developed into a full-time training center for people who have a passion to follow Christ. Adults and students come to our offices to: develop a mentor relationship, learn the foundational beliefs of Christianity, receive apologetic training, gain experience in sharing their faith on the mission field, and to eventually be able to mentor someone else. ~
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