Cureall Remedies
We manufacture best quality of all Unani herbal medicines, food & Nutritious supplements and processed pure/ genuine crude herbs under expert technical team. We are GMP certified/ licensed by Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
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Jagriti | Home
Welcome to JAGRITI, Bangalore's newest home for the performing arts. Built around a 200-seat auditorium in Whitefield, JAGRITI will open in 2006 to art forms from any country and culture.
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Azad Yuva Jagriti Samiti,Yuva Samiti,Jagriti Samiti,Samiti
Azad Yuva Jagriti Samiti- a social service agency committee whose primary objective is to make society educated and self-supporting and behalf institution not particularly economically backward people through a variety of economic and social development is added and making them aware of education.आज़ाद युवा जागृति समिती एक समाज सेवी संस्था है जिसका मूल उद्देश्य समाज को शिक्षित एवं स्वावलम्बी बनाना है। इसक॓ निमित्त संस्था न॓ विशेषकर आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़े हुए लोगों को अनेक प्रकार के आर्थिक व सामाजिक कार्यों के माध्यम से जोड़ा है व उन्हें शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूक कर रही है।
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