Andres Kwasinski's Home Page
This is Andres Kwasinski's home page. Andres received his diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology and the MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, in 2000 and 2004, respectively. His research interests are in the area of multimedia wireless communications, cross layer designs, digital signal processing and speech and video processing (especially in the area of signal compression). He is the author and creator of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Blog.
Centerk.net ~
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modelado, simulacion con dinámica de sistemas, tablero de comando integral o balanced scorecard, cuadro de mando integral
sistemico,gestion estrategica,estrategia, planificacion estrategica, planificación de escenarios (scenario planning), pensamiento
sistémico (system thinking), dinamica de sistemas (system dynamics), pensamiento
visual (visual thinking), simuladores de negocios , micromundos, entornos de aprendizaje, administracion del cambio, aprendizaje organizacional, indicadores de gestión, estrategia, planificación estratégica, dashboards o tablero ejecutivo
creadores de la escalera de gerenciamiento permitimos a las orgnizaciones administrar el cambio incorporando herramientas enlas cuales nos especializamos tales como modelado, simulacion de negocios, construccion de simuladores, entornos de aprendizaje, juegos de negocios, formacion y consultoria.
Es representante de Powersim (software basado en Dinámica de Sistemas), MyStrategy (software basado en Strategy Dynamics), Idon (Visual Thinking) y Dialog para Latinoamérica y España. Ha desarrollado Modelos de Simulación de todo tipo a lo largo de su amplia trayectoria.
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Home : Doyle Racing
Since he established his bloodstock agency in 1978 with his wife Anna, Peter and his team have enjoyed remarkable success around the world. Their son Ross joined the agency in 2001 becoming the third generation of Bloodstock agents in the family.
Peter himself is modest about his achievements, but published statistical surveys in some of the most respected industry journals show that his judgement places him firmly at the top of his profession.
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