Humor, dowcipy, kawały, życzenia, cytaty, wiersze i wierszyki, cytaty z irca, aforyzmy, opisy na gadu-gadu, smsy okolicznościowe! Humoris.PL
Największa baza Humoru, Cytatów, Życzeń, Opisów w Internecie: 31.972 dowcipów! 5.577 życzeń okolicznościowych! 10.195 śmiesznych cytatów z irca! 111.760 gotowych opisów na Gadu-Gadu! 4.370 Wierszy i wierszyków! 1.288 aforyzmów! 606 cytatów poetyckich. 15.738 darmowych gier flash OnLine. Humoris.PL to: Dobry Humor! Najlepsze Dowcipy! Cytaty z irca! Życzenia na Boże Narodzenie, na Wielkanoc, Miłosne, na Walentynki! Opisy na GG, Poezja. Darmowe Gry Flash OnLine
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SQT Training, Quality training courses in Ireland
SQT provides training courses Lean Six Sigma, Energy, Quality, Health Safety, Environment, Food, Train Trainer, Healthcare, Laboratory, Project Management
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Philip Wain | Software Quality Assurance | Consultancy | Training | Audit | Quality | Systems | Software | Process | IT | ISO9000:2000 | CMM | EFQM | IiP | IQA | IRCA | TickIT
Quality Management Consultancy - Worcs UK, a respected and trusted source of help for companies developing, maintaining or improving their management systems. Established in 2002 with particular expertise in quality in software, IT Service Management, manufacturing engineering design proceses, and service industries. An experienced commercial trainer on quality and auditing with 12 years as a third party auditor, wide experience of UK, USA, Europe and Japan. Qualified in ISO 9000: 2000, an IRCA registered Lead TickIT Auditor and conversant with CMM, EFQM and IiP. Also registered to audit BS 15000 through ITSMF.
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