Web instructional design,e-learning - Toronto | beyondinno
We offer web design and development, instructional design, e-learning, SEO, usability consulting, and learning consulting services with Java, PHP, Flash, Lectora, and open-source software such as Drupal and Moodle.
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Creative Consensus Instructional Materials
Creative Consensus publishes educational materials on a licensing basis. At the current time, most of the materials CCI publishes are experiential exercises, primarily role-plays, for use in a variety of settings. They have been especially successful programs mid and upper level managers both non-profit profit businesses. Some the teaching notes PowerPoint slides.
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Baby Massage Instructional Video
Baby Massage, A Video for Loving Parents. Based on the best selling book by Vimala McCLure, Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents. An instructional video on using the power of touch to soothe, heal and
nurture our babies. See five classes worth of techniques, plus a complete infant massage. Handy grease-proof prompt card.Accompanied by Traditional Lullaby, theme song of the International Association of Infant Massage and Grammy Award Winner Mickey Hart's Music To Be Born By. Highly Recommended.
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