Notre Histoire d??bute il y a 20 ans quand le fondateur de Senergy EAM / GMAO, Monsieur Xavier Bonifay, alors propri??taire de la compagnie de services informatiques IFs Ltda, bas??e sur le territoire de Macao en Asie, est mandat?? pour d??velopper un logiciel de gestion de la maintenance pour le domaine de l'incin??ration, en fonction de sp??cifications effectu??es par la Compagnie G??n??rale des Chauffes sur l'ensemble de leurs usines d'incin??ration.
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Application to become a Foster Carer with Independent Foster Care Services (IFCS), Cardiff, South Wales, UK
To make a difference to the life of a child is one of the most rewarding contributions for anyone in society. Together with teachers, health professionals,
social workers and the police, foster carers are essential partners in teams working together to make a difference for children and young people in need. Child care is
no one professionals role and foster carers must be able to work in partnership to provide a high standard of care. Foster care is the provision of good quality family care for a child or sibling group, who, for whatever reason, can no longer remain within their own home. At times a childs behaviour may be challenging and difficult to understand. Essential to foster care is the recognition of a childs individual needs, and being able to meet those needs with patience, care, tolerance and without discrimination or prejudice.
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