15 ideas by Kevin Lynch
15 ideas is a creative consultancy that works with ad agencies, interactive shops, design firms, ideation companies, organizations that defy categorization, and every once in a while, directly with clients. Founded by award-winning copywriter Kevin Lynch, it is based in Chicago unless hes in, say, New Zealand, in which case it's based there.
15-ideas.com ~
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IDEAS | Label associations, Certification, Accompagnement bénévole, informations pour faire un don, philanthropie - gouvernance, gestion, efficacité, don, transparence, confiance, ressources
Des informations et des actions décisives pour les associations et les donateurs en quête de confiance et d'efficacité pour donner. Convergences philanthropiques, Label, certification, associations, fondations, don, donateurs, philanthropie, philanthropes, confiance, contrôle
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