Icke: 495 results found.
Icke Lika Med
Vi, ICKE LIKA MED, är ett band om tre helt vanliga men olika personer som tror att vi har något att komma med. Vi vill påverka, beröra, beröras, skapa förundran, få folk att skratta och gråta, och skapa en diskussion om allt det som kan förbättras.
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David Icke Books
Discover the tuth about the reality we live with the books of controversal British author David Icke. His books reveal how a Hidden Hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem, reaction, solution. What David Icke wrote about in the 20th century has proved to be so astonishingly accurate in predicting the events of the 21st and continues to be so.
Davidickebooks.co.uk ~
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