Ute Valley Home
Energy Efficient Custom Homes in Westcliffe Colorado, built with PolySteel Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) to make your dream home the best insulated, most comfortable home it can be. With a PolySteel home you can save 30-80% on heating and cooling costs!
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Sales of Canadian natural log home shell packages in Alaska. Lasting Quality, Strength, Durability, Ease of
Reconstruction, Elimination of Labor Cost = Value. Put these to use for your projects in Alaska. Residential and
commercial construction application.
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Special Inspection Services for San Diego and North County | AccuTech Affordable Inspections
Providing San Diego Special Inspection Services for Epoxy Anchors, Shear Nailing Inspection, Reinforced Concrete, Structural Masonry, Structural Steel Assembly and Welding, Pre and Post Tensioned Concrete, ICC, ICBO, ACI, AWS, CWI, DSA, OSHPD.
Accutechsd.com ~
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