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Custom Characters - Home
Founded in 1986 by Ryan Rhodes and Drew Herron, Custom Characters, Inc. brings your favorite characters and some you?ve never met before to life with big emphasis on personality. Working with existing corporate properties, or designing and developing a character from a clients? concept, we provide the most artistically accurate and aesthetically balanced costume while still maintaining a focus on the characters form, function, safety and maintenance issues. While the majority of our clients are theme park oriented our specialties span all entertainment. These include parades, stage shows, prop costumes, television, film and sports teams.
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Atop Technologies, Inc.
上尚科技(Atop)致力於电子标籤辅助拣货系统和串列埠连网设备及工业级乙太网路交换器等研发生產, 电子标籤辅助拣货系统是一组安装在货架储位上的电子设备,透过电脑与软体的控制,藉由灯号与数字显示作為辅助 工具,引领拣货人员正确、快速、轻鬆地完成拣货工作。而串列埠连网设备居於传统串列埠设备RS-232/RS422/RS485之间可透过LAN 和WLAN完成快速传输及加密。工业级乙太网路交换器,适合在严峻的工业环境中使用提供环网设计(iA-Ring),当其中一端断线时,另一端会在10ms内恢復连线,确保通信不中断的操作,特别适用於工业环境与工厂自动化系统。
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