Homage to Yoko Ono by Kentaro Yamada
Kentaro Yamada is an artist. Born Fukuoka Japan 1978
Currently living London UK and Auckland New Zealand
BFA - Elam School of Fine Arts - University of Auckland
BSC - Computer Science - University of Auckland
MFA - The School of Art Institute of Chicago
MFA - Goldsmiths University of London
Artists working in the field of so-called New Media have been experimenting with this medium for sometime now. As with the time when experimental film was emerging, I feel that the realm of digital media is at a moment of potential.
I think that artists who work successfully with New Media use it as a mode of operation for creating art experiences, rather than a focusing on novelty or self-reflective technicality. I am interested in using media forms as tool to create art. I believe artworks operate best when they have a relationship with real life. I insert technology as a part of poetic relationship between life and objects.
At the moment I am studying toward a Masters of Fine Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Here, I am in an environment where people from all over the world push and critically extend each other. There is accessible, experimental art scene here and I feel that being here allows me to be a part of what art is 'now', and where it is going.
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Vasilis Stamatakis - Shoe Designer - An Homage
Shoe Designer from Heraklion, Crete, GREECE Worked in secret between 1941-1969 Unique Hand-Made Shoes influenced by the outlaw Rembetiko Culture. The shoes in this collection comprise the only surviving group of designs. Vasilis Stamatakis own personal collection, slated for his own museum were lost or destroyed in the 1990s
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