Powerful online number base conversion. Online Calculator to convert binary, hexadecimal, decimal and Base36 numbers of up to 128 bit. Also allows user to perform bit level manipulation such as shift, rotate, and invert, as well as generate random numbers of the selected bit length.
Bitizer.com ~
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Tex2 - a text to binary, text to hexadecimal, text to octal, text to query string, text to Base64, text to ROT13, text to ROT47, HTML to visible HTML, .htpasswd password converter and e-mail obfuscator.
Tex2 - a text to binary, text to hexadecimal,
text to octal, text to query string, text to Base64, text to ROT13, text to ROT47,
HTML to visible HTML, .htpasswd password converter, and e-mail obfuscator.
Tex2.net ~
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WFW Software
WFW Software provides shareware and freeware calculator programs, including a hexadecimal calculator, scientific calculator and custom promotional calculator programs.
Wfwsoftware.com ~
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RBL Check