Hestia: 549 results found.
:: Hestia: Welcome ::
As a solid based knowledge company Hestia ensures consitency and absolute
quality by supporting and/or completely managing the ICT-infrastructure of our esteemed customers. Hestia is
a flexible company with thorough expertise and a proven track record but our inspired and motivated people
are what really differentiates us in the market.
Hestia-it.be ~
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HESTIA - Narodni dobrovolnicke centrum (The National Volunteer Center) *** C Z E C H : Posláním sdružení Hestia je přispívat k vytváření pozitivních mezilidských vztahů. Hestia vede výzkumné, výcvikové a vzdělávací programy, poradenství, supervize a stáže pro dobrovolníky i profesionály, vydává publikace, navazuje kontakty se zahraničními i domácími partnery. *** E N G L I S H : The mission of HESTIA is to enhance positive interpersonal relationships. HESTIA actively engages in research, training and educational programs. It advises professionals and supervises volunteers; it engages in publishing, and it makes contacts with partners within the Czech Republic and abroad.
Hest.cz ~
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