Cape Cod Alterations - One Hour Hems, 1686 Route 28, Centerville, MA 02632, 508-790-0677
Cape Cod Alterations - One Hour Hems offers all types of alterations for men, women and children as well as slip covers, cushions, draperies, pillows, repairs, zippers and more.
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4RESCUE -- The International Air Rescue and Air Ambulance Magazine
4RESCUE, the international air rescue and air ambulance magazine offers you a unique platform for the information exchange between all players in air rescue: those directly involved – pilots, emergency physicians, paramedics – but also management, maintenance, industry, administration as well as experts from R&D and at the hospitals and research institutes. 4RESCUE is partnered with the European HEMS and Air Rescue Committee EHAC and is circulated among European decision makers in air rescue (HEMS) and air ambulance, as well as the important international associations and organizations.
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