KindaSortaZen - Stone Planters, Fountains, Wall Hangings, Birdhouses,
Home and Garden Decor
Unique and striking, hand-hewn natural stone and living plants draw the eye,
nourish the senses, and calm the soul. Handmade natural stone planters, engraved
slate designs, fountains, birdhouses, living wreaths - for your home or garden.
Kindasortazen.com ~
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Tibetan incense, prayer flags, mani stones, Hemp, Buddha statues, Buddhism art, marble bowls
Hither & Yon offers Incense, tibetan prayer flags, Buddhas, stone buddha statues, hemp bags, hemp wallets, manis, stone bowls, marble pots, stone pill boxes, & silver jewelry set with rainbow moonstones, garnets, lapis & more!
Hemphemp.com ~
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