Gymstick: 119 results found.
Gymstick - das ultimative Ganzkrpertrainingsgert
GYMSTICK is a revolutionary total body fitness tool that strengthens, tones and defines every muscle in your body and core!
Designed for all ages and fitness levels, GYMSTICK delivers real results, real fast. This athletic-based fitness tool uses its unique technology to work every major (and minor) muscle group in the body and core. GYMSTICK strengthens, tones, and defines like nothing else. GYMSTICK is non-impact and works all the major muscle groups as well as the small supporting muscle groups which are used for balance and coordination. You can replicate any free weights exercise including squats, presses, lunges and curls, cleans snatches etc. ~
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Le Gymstick est la nouveaut Fitness 2009, Le Gymstick est l'outil de Fitness rvolutionnaire tant pour le fitness collectif que le fitness individuel. Le Gymstick est simple, efficace, amusant et sadapte tout niveau sportif. Lger, facile ranger, le gymstick est votre nouveau partenaire sant ~
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AlfaCare -
AlfaCare AS er 8 ansatte som hjelper deg med produkter til forebygging og lindring av muskel- og leddplager og idrettsskader. Våre produkter brukes profesjonelt på fysikalske Institutt, sykehus, institusjoner, så vel som på arbeidsplassen, privat og av toppidrettsutøvere. ~
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