![mobilfunk-buergerforum.de](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/83b/mobilfunk-buergerforum.de.gif) |
Mobilfunk Bürgerforum - gemeinsam sind wir stark ! - Handy, mobile Telefone, Funk, Strahlung, Elektrosmog, DECT, WLAN, Bluetooth, Bürgerinitiativen, GPRS, UMTS
Portal zu den Risiken von Handy, Mobilfunk, Strahlung, Elektrosmog, Sendemasten, DECT-Basisstationen, WLAN Access Points, Bluetooth-Sendern. Plattform für Bürgerinitiativen in Deutschland, Dachverein im Südwesten.
Mobilfunk-buergerforum.de ~
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![ngsnet.cz](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/d1c/ngsnet.cz.gif) |
NGS s.r.o. - Telemetrics,GSM and GPRS applications,Software and Hardware development,SOAP, WebServices And XML applications,C and C applications
Software, Hardware development, GPRS,GSM,Telemetrics, Customer oriented and customized solutions,SOAP and XML applications, Web Services, Wi-Fi applications
Ngsnet.cz ~
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