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Omega Sharp is an IT, scientific instrumentation, and customer solution company. Our expertises include: digital forensics, Ruby on Rails, PHP, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Akelos, yTin, MUD, thermal conductivity, thermopower (thermoelectric power, Seebeck coefficient), 3omega-method, GPIB, DAC (Minilab ...)
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Certified National Instruments LabVIEW programming and consulting expertise, including test and automation, robotics, motion control, image acquisition, and lasers.
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Tiltz technology
Druckmesstechnik - Druckaufnehmer - Drucksensoren - Drucktransmitter - Druckmessung - Quarzsensoren - Beschleunigung - Vibration - Stoss - PC-Messtechnik - PC Karten - GPIB - IEEE 488 - RS 232 - RS 485 - serielle Schnittstellen
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Prices: Oscilloscopes, programmable power supplies, protocol analyzers, digital oscilloscopes
Oscilloscopes, Digital Oscilloscopes and Programmable Power Supplies Prices. Rigol, LeCroy Oscilloscopes, rack mount, power supplies, USB 3.0 PCi Express SAS SATA DDR Protocol Analyzer CSA Sorensen wavepro zi oscilloscopes instrument prices News for Data Translation, Azimuth, LeCroy, CATC, LeCroy PSG, Catalyst Enterprises Inc., Future Plus, Thurlby Thandar Instruments (TTi), Array
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