Jacob Gonzlez-Sols
The spatial distribution of seabirds in relation to oceanographic variables in a GIS environment, combining satellite remote sensing systems on the sea surface with seabird movement tracked by remote systems, such as the light level geolocation or the satellite telemetry.The use of seabirds as bioindicators of the geographic variability of pollution in the marine environment as well as the use of intrinsic biomarkers, such as stable isotopes and pollutants, to trace seabird distributions. The quantitative genetics of ecological traits in natural bird populations to understand its evolution and to predict microevolutionary responses to changing environments. The behavioural and evolutionary ecology of seabirds, their foraging strategies, mating systems, sexual dimorphism, competition and segregation.
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Desguaces Abell Gonzlez
Desguaces Abello. Venta de recambios usados para el automobil: Motores, cajas de cambio, alternadores, etc... Compra de vehiculos sinietrados y tramitacion de bajas. Piezas de segundamano, recambios, motores, cajas de cambio, culata, turbo, compresor, retrovisor, puerta..
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Ricardo Gonzlez Fisioterapia
La Clnica Fisioterapia Ricardo Gonzalez es un centro especializado en fisioterapia avanzada (concepto maitland, fisiot. respiratoria, fisiot. neurologica, fisiot. traumatologica, fisiot. reumatologica, fisiot. deportiva, fisiot. dermatologica,, metodo sohier, tecnica mackenzie, liberacion miofascial, movilizacin neural, mtodo schroth..., osteopata (estructural, visceral, craneal), reeducacion postural y masaje fisioterapico que ofrece un servicio personalizado para todo tipo de pacientes combinando la maestra de los tratamientos artesanos y las manos expertas con los beneficios de la aparatologa y mtodos ms avanzados. Ricardo Gonzalez fue fisioterapeuta oficial del equipo ciclista profesional estepota-brepac.
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