Gobaith: 17 results found.
Tygobaith - The salvation army home page
Ty Gobaith is a Salvation Army Social Services Centre. As an expression of Christian compassion, Ty Gobaith will provide accommodation and services for vulnerable people that want to address their support needs within a supportive environment where physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually, individuals will be empowered and encouraged to meet their full potential and become independent.
Tygobaiththesalvationarmy.com ~
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Synod Cymru
©Croeso i wefan Gymraeg gyntaf Synod Cymru. Ein gobaith, wrth ffurfio'r wefan syml hon yw cyhoeddi ein bodolaeth a datgan ein presenoldeb gweithredol mewn sawl man.This web site has been set up by Synod Cymru to indicate the Welsh language churches currently open in Wales (and Derby).
Synodcymru.org ~
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Urdd Gobaith Cymru
urdd cymru gobaith sioeau tocynnau maes nos werth feedback newyddion chwaraeon cylchgronau mistar dyngarol eisteddfod cysylltwch chwilio safle map hafan english ymaelodwch ardal gwybodaeth gwersylloedd beth hawlfraint gwefeistradborth adborth
Urdd.org ~
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