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Biomiga, EZgene, ViraTrap, DNA, purification system Plasmid purification, isolation, extraction, Plasmid miniprep, midiprep, Maxiprep, endofree plasmid isoaltion, purification, Fungal gDNA, isolation, purification, Blood RNA isolation, Blood genomic DNA isolation, Soil DNA purification, Plasmid Megaprep, Gigaprep, Plasmid production service, 96-well Plasmid Miniprep, M13 Purifcation, phage ss DNA purification, Magnetic Beads Plasmid Isolation, Strain development, Chaotropic free plasmid purification system, High-Capacity vectors (BAC, PAC, Cosmid and P1) purification, Total RNA purification, Human recombinant protein, Transfection reagent, Genetran, Tissue genomic DNA purification, Human recombinant Survivin, cmyc, EphB4, Insect genomic DNA purification, Plant genomic DNA purification, Yeast plasmid purification,
Yeast genomic DNA purification, PCR purification, Gel purification, Poly gel purification,
AV, AAV, Lentivirus purification, Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor FGF1 (acidic FGF), combinant Human Growth Hormone (GH), Recombinant Human JAK2 kinase, Recombinant Human Interleukin-6 (IL6), Recombinant Human TRAIL, Soluble Extracellular Domain, Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (rhTNF-Alpha), Determination of transcriptional start site
Quantitation of gene expression service, Gene or operon mutations in chromosome service,
Integration of DNA fragment into chromosome service
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