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Boreal Genomics
Boreal Genomics offers DNA, RNA and other biomolecule concentration and purification
instruments that use SCODA technology. SCODA - Synchronous Coefficient of Drag Alteration - biomolecule concentration
is a robust physical process that selectively concentrates nucleic acids from large sample volumes to a small,
concentrated amount of gel or buffer. This novel technique exhibits: excellent contaminant rejection, high yield even
in very dilute samples, high molecular weight recovery, length and sequence specificity, purification in as little as 5
minutes and simple operation
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Empire Genomics :: Home
Empire Genomics utilizes a proprietary technique that allows for the detection of chromosomal aberrations. Our superior genomic platform supports research and diagnostic applications in cancer biology, biomarkers, drug discovery, prenatal screening, developmental disorders, autism and many more genomic related areas.
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