Genomic: 1,867 results found.
This site is devoted to fostering GENOMIC RESEARCH on Amborella, including genome mapping, whole-genome sequencing, gene identification and characterization, as well as phylogenomic approaches to studying this unique plant found only on New Caledonia. ~
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XGen Congress - Cambridge Healthtech Institute
X-Gen Congress and Expo is the event for the genomics revolution promoting the cross fertilization of established and emerging genomic technologies, along with exciting applications. In 2011, we are proud to launch the NGS Data forum that addresses why data is the driving force that enables genomic discoveries. To continue last year' s success, the 2011 programming has been expanded to address the technological advances enabling faster and cheaper DNA/RNA mapping, creating genomic comparisons and accelerating genomic discoveries. It will also showcase next-generation sequencing platforms creating sequence reads of DNA fragments for genome variation studies, RNA for transcriptome studies, DNA-protein interactions for epigenetic studies, and chromosomal DNA of large genome nucleotide variations for copy number studies. ~
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