Uffe Christoffersen - Dansk Hjemmeside
Uffe Christoffersen er i udprget grad en figurativ kunstner. Samtidig
kan han betegnes som eksponent for den nyekspressionistiske bevgelse,
der har udviklet sig herhjemme siden begyndelsen af 1970erne. Er
specielt blevet kendt for sine farverige fremstillinger af vilde dyr,
frst og fremmest optaget af det enkelte dyrs karakteristiska
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The Real Economic Authority, reclaimed from insect hearted computers
deflation, low inflation, disinflation, John Maynard Keynes' liquidity Trap, monetary justice, economic justice, credit free currency, sustainable growth, deficit, globalization, alternative economy, capitalism, socialism, Marxism, monetary policy, fiscal policy, tax cut, war, antisemitism, roadmap to peace, economic growth, money supply, economic recessions, great depression, Phillips Curve, business cycles, macroeconomy, supply side economics, Reaganomics, Thatcherism, gold standard, game theory, efficiency, Bretton Woods, Australian economy, Asian Financial Crisis, bull and bear markets, asset price bubble, Federal Reserve, globalization, Alan Greenspan, IMF, International Monetary Fund, investment, saving, productivity growth, risk and return, income distribution, unemployment, economic model, consumer confidence
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