Gardasil: 439 results found.
Bad Drug Claims —
Every day new Bad Drug Claims comes out and people understand that some drugs are bad for you. This site will help you with understanding the risk and getting help if you have used some of the products that are bad for you. ~
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I was part of an international effort by a group of women to bring out the truth about Gardasil and Cervarix. The FDA gave us the opportunity to present our concerns by sponsoring a listening session webinar. Because of our positive experience we encourage people with concerns about a medication or vaccination to contact the FDA. They will listen. ~
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Profilaktyka raka szyjki macicy
STOP rakowi szyjki macicy - Program profilaktyki raka szyjki macicy. Nie czekaj. Zaszczep się! Informacje dla kobiet i osób zainteresowanych tematem raka szyjki macicy. Metody zapobiegania rozwojowi raka szyjki macicy oraz leczenia. Informacje o wirusie HPV, szczepionce, raku szyjki macicy, cytologii, CIN, zakażeniu wirusem HPV 16 18. ~
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