Maximus Entraineur Prive
Maximus Entraineur Prive est une entreprise qui se specialise en developpement de programmes d'entrainements prives, disciplines sportives, etc.
Tous peuvent etre assure d'un programme personnalise, module en fonction d'une evaluation et d'objectifs elaborés et fixes par chacun.
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1961 VOYAGES _Francais
1961 Voyages, Golf, golf antalya, golf tours, golf packages, antalya tours, golf turkey, golfers, golf in antalya, golf in turkiye, golf hotel, ANTALYA, golf courses, golf in turkiye
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Taichi Tennis Academy
66 sports in 66 shun: taichi, taiji state, taichi consciousness, the consciousness of being the whole or oneness, noneness, the state of mindfulness or mindlessness, the integration of nature and human being, the union of spirit and body, the conscious and unconscious mind. introduce, apply the taichi philosophy, experience, method, technique to life, sports, study, work. taichi tennis, taichi weight loss 通过 网球, 打太极拳 达到太极境界, 太极意识 太极状态 太极减肥 太极学习 达到全身合一 内外合一 天人合一 自我意识
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