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giorgio skory : photography
Skory Photographs : PhotoGallery, image bank - A collection of images shot by Giorgio Skory, a professional photographer. A performing tool to companies that are searching pictures for editorial, advertising or illustrating purposes. This site presents his works that go from the photography of art objects, the reproduction of master's paintings, to the advertising photography, by the way of significant personal cliches of his own visual sensibility. Galerie photo, banque d'images - Une collection d'images prises par un photographe professionnel. Un outil d'interet pour les societes cherchant des images pour illustrer leurs editoriaux, plaquettes d'entreprise ou calendriers. Ce site presente ses travaux qui vont de la photographie d'objets d'art, la reproduction de tableaux de maitres, a la photographie publicitaire, en passant par des images personnelles significatives de sa sensibilité visuelle. ~
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