Forensic: 22,272 results found.
Forensic Tools
ICS is the pioneer and innovator of the high speed, hard drive IT and Forensic duplication and acquisition product line. We provide cutting-edge products to support IT Organizations and the Federal Government, Law Enforcement communities around the world. Image MASSter is a name recognition in the market place when it come to quality, speed and innovation. ~
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Fraud & Forensic Accounting
Georgia Southern University’s Fraud and Forensic Accounting programs are offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Center for Forensic Studies in Accounting and Business spearheads seminars and conferences which offer continuing professional education for practitioners, academia, and students. ~
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ACE GROUPE - ACEAUDIT, Audits d'acquisition, co-commissariat aux comptes, évaluation, fraudes et litiges, expertise comptable
ACE Groupe valorise une expérience reconnue en France comme à l'International de plus de 15 ans dans les domaines de l'audit,de l'évaluation, de l'expertise comptable et du conseil en finance. Le Groupe ACE est constitué de plusieurs départements : ACE AUDIT, ACE EXPERTISE, ACE EVALUATION, spécialisées dans des métiers distincts. ACE est un groupe proche des attentes des clients. ~
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