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Bolenor est une société de services et de conseil aux entreprises, notamment spécialisée sur la Chine. Accueil de délégations techniques ou commerciales. Interprétariat, Traduction. Bolenor is a service and consulting company, especially based on Chinese market. Since seven years, many institutions trusted our company for the acuity of its services, as well as in the field of consultancy or in the reception of technical or commercial delegations. 保利诺公司是面向企业、着重于中国市场而提供公关接待服务及咨询的专业公司。七年以来,我们兢诚地向众多的 政府部门及企业提供了官方及商务代表团的公关接待服务及商贸技术交流咨询服务,赢得了客户良好的信任。 ~
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