St Stephen Lutheran Church | Welcome!
St. Stephen Lutheran Church is a vibrant congregation that has a mission to be Loving, leading, building, and sending disiples for the mission of Jesus in the twenty first century. Our Purpose for a Resurrection Church; To create passionate, kingdom-oriented disciples of the Risen Jesus. (Matthew 28)
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Glad Tidings Assembly of God | Welcome!
Glad Tidings is an exciting church with an atmosphere that is charged with the presence of God during the awesome uplifting worship services that are complimented with life changing messages from the Word of God. You owe it to yourself to check out this vibrant church that understands revival and the Gifts of the Spirit with checks and balances that are in keeping with the scriptures.
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Irondequoit United Church of Christ | WELCOM
Welcome to the Irondequot United Church of Christ (IUCC) Web Ministry! IUCC is in Irondequoit, New York, North of Rochester, New York. IUCC and IUCCspirit are a Christian, Protestant organization that uses the arts, music, drama, worship, and the spirit of community and fellowship to bring people closer to God.
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Crossover Church | Welcome To Crossover Church
crossover, church, spokane, washington, mead, colbert, deer park, elk, chatteroy, clayton, worship, service, god, bible, southern, baptist
Crossoverchurch.info ~
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