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Dra. Vivian Vera :: Oftalmología, Bogotá, Colombia, Miopía, Hipermetropía, Astigmatismo,Presbicia, Cirugía, Refractiva
Dra. Vivian Vera - Cirujana Oftalmóloga Bogotá Colombia, Cirugia Láser Lasik Wave Front o Lasik convencional. Implantes Fáquicos, Biópticos, Segmentos Ferrara y Faco Refractiva
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Eye Physicians of Lancaster
We are a comprehensive Opthalmology Practice, serving Lancaster County since 1974. We are dedicated to improving the lives of our patients through excellence in eyecare. Your sight and your health are very important. We are here to help you.
Eyephysiciansoflancaster.com ~
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