Excellence Attitude Coaching welcome - bienvenue
Quand la perfomance rencontre l'alignement personnel et en équipe, les entreprises peuvent créer une différence qui respecte les hommes et leur permet d'atteindre des niveaux de performance insoupçonnés. Un coaching bien conçu me permet d'emmener un dirigeant et son équipe vers ces nouveaux sommets...
When performance meets personal alignment and team alignment, organizations can make a true difference that respects people and allows them to reach unsuspected levels of performance.A well designed coaching can help to bring an executive and his team to those new hights...
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Exmoor Excellence, our shop on Exmoor - near Minehead, Porlock and Dunster
Exmoor,Excellence,Minehead,Somerset,Porlock,Dunster,Shop,by Post,
Mail order,Dunkery,Vineyard,UK,Vineyards,
National Park,English,Wine,Fine,Wines,Saar,Riesling,Leather,Bags,Belts,
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